Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Last drawing of 2010 by *dcmatthews on deviantART

TCC is back!

My (ultimately unsuccessful) quest to finish Tetsuko #2 by year's end caused me to forgo a TCC (Tetsuko Cosplay Calendar) for December 2010. Once I realized the comic wasn't going to be done before December 31, I still had a week to do a TCC for January 2011. Finished and posted tonight:

TCC January 2011 by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Monday, December 20, 2010

New drawing at deviantART

I signed up for the gift exchange at deviantART's Female Muscle Club, and drew the name of bitwize, who requested a pic of his original character "Shiori Kobayashi". I finally finished the picture just a couple of hours ago:

Shiori gift art for bitwize by *dcmatthews on deviantART

BTW: WolfsMuscleGirls drew my name, and gifted me this nice CGI rendition of Tetsuko at the beach!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Well, I was going to wait...

...until I had the whole page finished, but, once again I couldn't resist posting a page before it's finished.

So here are the first seven panels of Tetsuko #2 Page 34.

Monday, December 06, 2010

More new Tetsuko pages

Pages 32 and 33 of Tetsuko #2 are up, starting here! Some nudity, so NSFW!

Monday, November 22, 2010

And another new page!

I just might accomplish my goal of finishing this Tetsuko issue before year's end! Check out Page 31. (NSFW, of course)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Beatdown Continues!

The new page of Tetsuko is finally up! (A little visible nipple, so NSFW!)

And here at my deviantART journal are my plans for the rest of the year...

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tetsuko's Back!

It's been awhile since I've done a drawing of Tetsuko as Tetsuko, so...

Tetsuko's Back by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


I've received enough feedback from visitors to take the next step in cleaning up my site. If you haven't yet e-mailed with a site warning (or lack thereof), no need to now. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your cooperation!

Interestingly, most of the reports I've received report no problems, no malware. Only Norton SafeWeb shows any problems; so I've opened an account with them and asked for a re-evaluation of the site. It'll probably be awhile before they get back with me with a report.

(I wonder, do you have to be a user of Norton Antivirus to get the report some of my readers are getting? Because I'm not getting any warnings at all. When my site was first hacked several months ago, Google warned everyone who visited that there was malware. But Google now says they don't find any.)

Anyway, I'll keep you posted, and if you're not getting any warnings of viruses or malware, I'm assuming my site is safe to use.

Monday, October 04, 2010

A favor, please

I'm still getting reports from some of the visitors to this site that they're getting virus warnings. However, Google has found no malware on my site as of this evening (Oct. 4, 2010). (After the first reports some months ago of viruses on my site, I joined Google's Webmaster program which gave me some valuable advice on how to get rid of the malware. I checked with the Webmaster control panel just this evening, and it reports no malware.)

Now, maybe Google's search of my site missed something that others are detecting - most of the reports I'm getting mention Norton - and that's info I'd like to have when I contact my webhost again. So I'd like for you to do me a favor, if you will:

If you've received a warning about viruses on my site, can you send me an e-mail about it, and include a link (if any) to the report itself? My email is DMatthews -at- cfl -dot- rr -dot- com. (Hate to make you jump through the hoop of replacing the -at- and -dot-s with the appropriate symbol, but, well, you know how the Web can be sometimes...)

I'd really appreciate any info anyone can give me about whatever malware's still on my site.

(If you're a member at deviantART, you'll be seeing this in my journal over there, in which case you can note me with any vrus warnings.)

UPDATE: Should you ever have trouble reaching the main site, you can reach this update blog at - I'll keep you updated on the status of any service outages or other factors (like the hurricanes of a few years ago) that affect access to DCM Studios Online.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TCCs for August

Two! Two Tetsuko Cosplay Calendars for August! Ah ah ah!

TCC August 2010 - A by *dcmatthews on deviantART

TCC August 2010 - B by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Tetsuko #2 page 29 complete

It's been a loooong time coming... much longer than I'd intended or anticipated... but I've finally finished page 29 of Tetsuko #2!

I'm going to try my damnedest to update the comic more often.

Oops! Almost forgot to update

I posted two new Tetsuko Cosplay Calendar pieces for July at my deviantART site.

TCC July 2010 - A by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Tetsuko as "American Avenger", a character created by fellow dA member "vesta10".

TCC July 2010 - B by *dcmatthews on deviantART

I wanted to do a TCC about the Queen's Blade anime character Cattleya, but couldn't decide - Tetsuko as Cattleya? or Sonya as the buxom, sword-wielding hot mom? I dressed them both.

I also changed the template, just to keep things interesting.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TCC June 2010 posted at deviantART

TCC June 2010 - A by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Hey, wow! First time I've ever used the "embed" code for a "deviation" at dA.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tetsuko as "Taarna" for May

I haven't done a lot of drawing lately, and what I have done is mostly commission work; but I did manage to crank out a TCC (Tetsuko Cosplay Calendar) for May.

TCC May 2010

by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

All clear, apparently

My webhosting service cleared some suspicious files from my site, and I'm no longer getting the "malware" alert when I visit. So I'd have to say everything seems to be back to what I laughingly call "normal" here at DCM Studios Online.

I still better not ever catch the bastard(s) who hacked my site, though...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another TCC for April

Onc again I go to Star Trek for inspiration...

TCC April 2010 B

by *dcmatthews
on deviantART

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

April TCC posted

I don't know yet whether this is the first April TCC (Tetsuko Cosplay Calendar), or the only one; time (that is, whether I get any to do any more TCCs for April) will tell.

But at least there's one:

TCC April 2010 A

by *dcmatthews on deviantART

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Not much of an update

...just a couple of panels of Page 29 of "Fight! Mighty Muscle Girl", but it's here.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

New Tetsuko art at deviantART

Once again I find myself falling behind in my updates in this blog. But I do want to draw special attention to the latest drawing I've posted there...

Tetsuko - LFL Superstar?

by *dcmatthews on deviantART

...drawn in celebration of Orlando, FL being the latest city to join the Lingerie Football League!

And while you're at my dA page check the "Newest Deviations" module to see what else I've been working on.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Just finished the rest of Tetsuko #2, page 28! (slightly NSFW)

Do you sense a turning point in the battle?
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